Jacksonville NC SEO

Sanford Web Design provides search engine optimization, search engine marketing, website design and website development which creates high-quality, cost-effective search engine optimized web sites for our clients. We do this by combining our creative and technical skills along with our knowledge of business, marketing and advanced SEO techniques to create high-ranking web sites.

Sanford Web Design is a leader in Organic Search Engine Optimization, meta tag composition, high-quality inbound link network creation, and pay-per-click campaign management. Our strategies have successfully promoted dozens of web sites to the top of their preferred search term (keywords) organic rankings on Google and other search engines. We stake our reputation as an SEO company on the results of our work.

As an SEO company, we’ve also done organic search engine optimization all by itself, without a visual redesign. Let us put our expertise to work for your web site today with a SEO expansion, or at least a meta tag, architecture, current search engine ranking and inbound links review. e

Call us today for a free introductory consultation or fill out our convenient form on the contact page for a complimentary site SEO analysis. Our headquarters is located in Sanford, NC. However we will be moving to the Hampstead, NC and Wilmington, NC area shortly. Please call for an appointment so we can discuss the particulars of your marketing and SEO challenges.


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Hello Forum, my first post.

Probably older than most of you experts, but oddly in love with anything having to do with computers. Hey, some women knit, I code. Deal with it!! lol

I'm just about to build a new computer (from the motherboard on up which will be a first for me, installed just about everything else hardware-wise).

I've dabbled here and there with html, css, php coding over the years

List failing to display in an in-line fashion, are the floats to blame?...

Registered User Join Date Jul 2014Posts 19http://codepen.io/anon/pen/EJtuq

First off, try not to be too envious of my awesome site...

secondly, can any one of you geniuses explain to me what's preventing the UL i situated at the top of the content section from being inline?

Is it the float of the sidebar and content divs that's causing it?

oh, and, in regards to the overflow:hidden code in the css, are the corresponding comments i made accurate?...

How to test license validation via REST API

I am writing test case using PHPUnit to check the above method. I am able to cover all cases except one case in which a domain license should return true in is_valid xml node.

The REST API is so secured that it does not accept request from IPs that are not listed in their whitelist. And if someone is making a request from a non-whitelisted IP the API returns a false value for is_valid (and this is how I am covering the case for false)

I know this can be done using a mock object but I am not really sure how to write a mock object that can cover the case where a domain name is valid. Can someone please help?

Thanks in advance

[RESOLVED] Controlling image location in new window

I'm building a small art site that will use thumbnails of the works being displayed. Some of the thumbnails are clickable, to produce a larger image in a new window.

The current code for each image is:

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

search for functions names within iframes in firebug

Registered User Join Date Mar 2012Posts 38Hi There!!

I am debugging a web page with iframes using Firebug.

In Firebug, in the 'script' section, if I search for a function name using Ctrl

Trying to get a video onto my page - failed ?

Registered User Join Date Apr 2005Posts 160Hi

I have been trying to get a video onto my web page, playing with Windows Media Player, for the first time, but it will not work ? This is the code I've been using: The file is .avi file titled "me" and stored in my Mp3 folder. Can anyone see where I am going wrong ?

Thanks for any help !

Flexible Box Model

Registered User Join Date Aug 2014Posts 1so this is probably a stupid question but im teaching myself how to do this so here we go ;p

iv been playing around with s finding the best ways to set everything up and it seems to me that i should be able to use a

-webkit-box-align: center;
to center the 2 boxes im using then a
-webkit-box-align: stretch;
to stretch the left of the 2 boxes to fit a box with a max height of 500
there is the main section with both boxes im using Code:

AngularJS How to implement this website login/user profile/social network connection strategy?

Registered User Join Date Aug 2014Posts 1How to implement this website login/user profile/social network connection strategy?I am building a website. I am planning to use these server and client side technologies: Node.js server, Passport.js user authentication, AngularJS client side framework. I was originally planning to use PHP and AngularJS but it seems like Node.js is the way to go.

Anyway, using any technologies, how do I implement the following strategy?

Case 1: User not logged in / new visitor:

- Allow user to log in using a social network profile like Facebook, Google

chat box with id without embed form others sites....

how to make a chat box with unique id without embed form other site?
currently im building a website for web developers and using external chat applictions, have a look at http://codegeeks.tk chat button is next to timer..

Separation - the reasoning (fork from another thread)

Registered User Join Date May 2014Posts 719I'm making this a separate post so we don't keep threadjacking this thread here.

Code-tard is just discovering the advantages of external stylesheets, so I thought it might be useful to folks if I explained the advantages. I'm also going to explain my conclusions and reasoning for sitebuilding, since I know a lot of my heavy handed authoritative statements confuse people.

If nothing else someone might find my rambling useful.

I'm putting this in HTML because I'm going to end up touching on that as well, and to be frank CSS is only as good as the markup it's applied to... and generally speaking, this first post is going to be about the STYLE tag, STYLE attribute, and LINK attribute. THOSE ARE HTML, even if you are providing CSS with them!

You are going to find me using terms like "generally speaking" and "rule of thumb" -- this is because while the below may be good practice, you have to allow for exceptions; at the same time because there are exceptions that doesn't mean you should ignore good practices on everything else... and when I DO mean the rule is in concrete, I'll bloody well say so.


When it comes to the application of CSS, the advantages of an external stylesheet are simple:

1) It's separation of presentation from content. Keeping what things are SEPARATE from what they look like. What things look like as a rule of thumb has no business in the markup. As I often say, if you choose your tags based on your default appearance, you're choosing the wrong tags for the wrong reason.

This separation also means that you can edit things side-by-side. Even at the earliest development stages having your markup and your style separate in separate editor windows makes development faster and easier -- and it saves you the time of trying to extract it later; which a lot of people who use the style attribute CLAIM they are going to do, but never actually do it.

2) Multiple presentations -- by including differnent files using the MEDIA attribute, you can target different devices. This is why using a stylesheet LINK without the MEDIA attribute is stupid, and using the "all" value is even dumber. There are all sorts of targets for media, and most often the one you want is SCREEN, PROJECTION and TV -- Screen is your normal devices you think of when you design, some kiosks and browsers in full-screen operation ignore screen using projection, or will use a mix of the two; and sadly, there are still some devices that report themselves as TV, and if you don't say TV they'll override your settings with their own. (The version of Opera on the Wii is a great example, as is the now semi-defunct MSN-TV).

Naturally this is the point where some jacktard will say "who cares about those" -- when it's basically including an extra 15 characters to support them, are you really such a lazy foxtrot you can't be bothered? Whiskey tango foxtrot!

Ask yourself this, does your for screen layout and design elements make ANY sense to be sent to print? How about Aural? Media targets exist to customize appearance for targets AND to prevent values that are just screwy from being sent to the wrong devices.

Now ask this -- how exactly do you do that with the STYLE attribute. How do you put a media attribute on another attribute? So much for STYLE as an attribute.

These first two reasons also combine that you can easily have multiple appearances off the same markup; meaning SKINS -- reskin an entire site without even touching the markup? Oorah!

3) Caching. Even if it's just a single page, what if people visit it more than once? You really want return visitors re-downloading the same data over and over again for no reason? This more than any other reason is why the STYLE tag is pointless.

The laugh is things like Google pagespeed are suggesting putting some style back in the markup -- the only situation that would pay ANY benefits in speed or efficiency is if your traffic is all bounce -- a situation I thought we were supposed to be avoiding -- much less that if you're going to have an external sheet anyways, what difference does it make if it's in that or the HTML apart from the HTML not being cached. That's just stupid advice on the part of Google Pagespeed.

4) pre-caching -- if you put the CSS of sub-pages in the same monolithic file for each media target, you are effectively pre-loading the appearance of those pages -- so those sub-pages load AND render faster. Now, the peanut gallery will chime in with "doesn't that make the first-load take longer" -- really if you have enough CSS for all your pages that doing this results in any noticeable difference, you don't know how you use CSS properly.

Generally speaking in all but the rarest of cases, UNCOMPRESSED there is no excuse for even the largest of site templates -- like those of a forums -- to break 48k (and a third that gzipped) other than developer ineptitude, a failure to grasp how to use selectors or HTML, or just plain code bloat garbage like frameworks.

This is another area where people screw up -- first by trying to use tools to "remove unused CSS" that often removes CSS used by subpages just because it's not used on the main page. Then they run around like chickens with their heads cut off that the subpages are screwed up.

Likewise they blindly trust tools like Google Pagespeed when it

Monday, August 4, 2014

Responsive media queries not working

Registered User Join Date Aug 2014Posts 2Hey,

So I am trying to make my portfolio website responsive for different screen resolutions. I am using media queries but they are not over-riding the native styles. I believe my syntax is correct but I will share it with you guys to see if I have done anything wrong.
HTML Code:

Can Someone Help Me Read These Results?

Hi Im new to the site, great website, ill be a wonderful contributor as my site grows hopefully i can get some help as I grow and my site gets bigger.. Ive been signed up With Adsense for A While but finally uploaded an ad to my site, well my site crashed and unfortunately had to start over well the ads have been on my site for a week and so far these are my readings on adsense im wondering if these trends so far are good? this is the results for one week?

Estimated earnings

Page views


Page CTR


Page RPM

what is the new update that google announced?

Registered User Join Date May 2014Posts 52It is called the pigeon update which has been released to refine all the local search results in google and also the map results.

xml file are not beneficial if generated by the software or the site?

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A chat on Javascript's professional use / interested in some resource suggestions

Registered User Join Date Aug 2014Posts 1Hey all, I'm new to the forum (obviously), thanks for having me. I'm a current programming student / developer intern. Have touched many languages and technologies including a modest amount of web development.

The thing is I've never pushed Javascript to its limits before and I'm curious to learn a little more about its use in the real world. It seems like the language has a whole whack of interesting features (closures, passing functions around, prototype inheritance, etc.) but I don't understand how a lot of Javscript's more 'unique' features are useful. I assume they are, or they wouldn't be a part of the language, I just haven't been forced to use any of them.

My understanding of basic web development is something like this: you have html documents and CSS and use Javascript to manipulate the look and behaviour of the html document which only seems to require basic id selecting and use of simple javascript features. I'd assume if you needed to stretch Javascript to it's limits you'd be doing some pretty hardcore web development, does that sound correct?

Otherwise I'm curious if anyone can recommend any interesting readings on the language. I had 'Allonge' suggested to me a while ago, am interested in some more stuff.